Right Hook Prevention in Bike Lanes

Dear MOTORIST...this video is for you! If you do not know about right hooks, they are a leading cause of injury and death to cyclists, please watch this video! In the video, you will note dashed lines near the intersection to re-enforce merging into the bike lane. Note that some bike lanes may not have this feature but merging is still allowed. Thanks to ODOT for producing the video along with support from Cycling Savvy!

Commuter Special Use Trail Permit Available

Special Use Permit

Get your after hours commuting pass today, they're free and allow 24/7 access to the trail for commuting!

Regional trails are used for commuting as well as recreation, fitness and enjoying nature. Because trail hours are the same as the Metroparks - 7 a.m. until dark every day of the year - it limits some commuters' options. For example, someone bicycling to work, school or church during open hours would be unable to return on the same trail after dark.  

For this reason, Metroparks Toledo issues special permits for after hours commuting on the University Parks Trail, Wabash Cannonball Trail and Chessie Cirlcle Trail.

Download an Application Form

Commuter permits can be attached to a bicycle to show that the commuter has received permission to use a trail for transportation during hours when the trail is closed.  The Blade published a story here.

Education through Creating Healthy Communities Program

We Are Traffic recently completed a project with the Lucas County Health Department through its' Creating Healthy Communities Program.

We held a Lunch N' Learn at Promedica Ebeid Institute on October 19th with an Educational Bike Ride the following day, with a goal of teaching participants "How to Ride Safely With Traffic". The classroom portion focused on law pertaining to bicyclists and motorist while the bike ride provided exposure to "real-world" examples of both good and bad infrastructure. We also introduced the GOHIO program that provides incentives for bicyclists and other who give up "single-occupancy vehicles".

The project also provided funding for new bike racks and a self-repair or "Fix-It" stand to be installed next to Promedica Market on the Green and Ebeid Institute.

There is a bike share station nearby that provides parking for bike share bikes. We hope to add bike racks near other stations to allow for routine bike parking for those who have their own ride! If you'd like to help as a volunteer or financially, please contact us!

New Bancroft Bike Lanes

Cyclists now have a new section of bike lanes on Bancroft Road near UT, between Secor and Parkside Blvd <Map>. Many thanks to the City of Toledo for including this section of Bancroft on the Toledo Bike Plan, and for including recommendation on the buffer design from We Are Traffic. We contacted the City of Toledo engineering department back in August of 2016 after a project review with the TMACOG Pedestiran & Bikeways Committee. The original design, a "Door Zone Bike Lane" or DZBL, would have placed cyclists in the path of opening car doors with the high potential of injury or death. We Are Traffic shared best practices used by other municipalities, including one that places a buffer between the bike lane and on-street parking. City engineers David Dysard and Gary Stookey were both receptive to incorporate the buffer between the on-street parking and bike lane.

Thank you City of Toledo!  Now let's complete the open segments on Bancroft to complete the corridor to Downtown Toledo!


Traffic Light Coming Soon - U/P Trail and King Rd

It's been in the works for a long time and finally coming to the U/P Trail at King Road. This intersection can be difficult to cross duriing certain times of the day so this signal light will be welcomed by all users of the University Parks Trail. Due to supply chain issues, we can only report that the project will be completed within this year. Specials thanks to the Lucas County Engineering Office for making this a priority.

Door Zone Bike Lanes -- Stay Out!

It is an unfortunate comprimise that bike lanes are placed next to parked cars. The addition of bike lanes on roadways that already include car parking can be problematic. It takes a lot of political will to remove on-street parking...sometimes the parking spaces win over providing adequate safety for cyclists using the bike lane. If you find on-street parking next to your bike lane...get out of that bike lane! While motorists are required to look before exiting their vehicle, you can not rely on current human behavior. Use the travel lane or find an alternate route (we would be happy to help).

We Are Traffic worked with the City of Toledo on the new bikes lanes that were installed on Bancroft in front of UT and recommended moving the buffer between the parked cars and the bike travel lane (read the story here). We were not successful on Bancroft closer to downtown where DZBL's exist, please be careful.


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