We have found that the best way to provide routine accommodations for bike parking is by incorporating the requirement in the local parking regulations or zoning codes. It can be very hard to install bike parking once construction has ended for a new or remodeled facility. If part of the code, it happens with much notice (except for cyclists). If you do not see your area listed below, please contact us so we can work together and make it happen in your back yard!
City of Toledo -- Toledo Municipal Code (TMC 1107.0901 Bicycle Parking)
Toledo passed this ordinance in 2004 and with the help of the Toledo Planning Commission, we are starting to see bike parking included in new developments.
Sylvania Township -- Zoning Resolution April 2021 (PDF, page 58)
In 2018, Sylvania Township completed a Land Use Plan through public engagement. There was a clear message to include improvements for biking and walking and one action was to include bike parking requirements in the new zoning resolution. We Are Traffic worked with the zoning commission and we are thankful for our collaboration on the requirements.
City of Sylvania -- PENDING
We Are Traffic met with the City of Sylvania Zoning Board in 2019 to promote the inclusion of bike parking regulation in the city code. Earlier this year a draft was prepared and is under review prior to submission to City Council for approval. The City may decide to hold a public meeting to allow for public comment, watch for a notice should this occur. We are hopeful that the code will be in place for Bike Month 2021!
Springfield Township -- Zoning Resolution 2021 (PDF) 1757 General Design Standards (page 17.5-2)
The Township included this requirement in their resolution and you can see how bike parking is being implemented along the Airport Highway corridor.