August 2023

New Signal Technology used for Trail Crossing

Work crews are close to completing the signal light installation and the University Parks Trail and King Road. Watch for an update on a media event planned for the week of August 14th to "light the light". Specials thanks to the Lucas County Engineering Office for making this a priority.

 There are two common methods used to detect vehicles at intersections. Induction loop is an embedded wire in the roadway that detects a metal object, works great for cars, less so for bikes and not at all for pedestrians. Cameras located overhead do a better job but lack pedestrian detection.

This crossing will use advanced detection for both vehicle traffic on King and bikes and pedestrians on the U/P trail. I would suggest that both motorists and trail users watch the video below to learn how the Radar Detection works for everyone!


New Main Library Bike Parking Installed

New Bike Parking

Earlier this year, the TLCPL Main Branch reached out to We Are Traffic to provide design guidance and ultimately supply the bike racks now installed on the parking deck near the entrance. This provides covered parking that is monitored by security cameras (enhanced but not guaranteed security). We Are Traffic is proud of our partnership with Toledo-Lucas County Public Library to provide routine accomodations for cyclists (see below links). We are fortunate that TLCPL includes the needs of cyclists as part of their planning process and that is how projects like this happen "automagically". Contact us for your bike parking needs today, consultation services are free and should you procure your equipment through us, funds stay LOCAL for our advocacy work.

Toledo-Lucas County Mott Library - Sustainability by Design
New Bike Racks installed at Sylvania Library
King Road Library Grand Opening - Ride your Bike!